We had a lovely time meeting our new members earlier this month, as well as some local new faces we were delighted to learn that people had travelled from Whitby to enjoy their free tour of Durham Cathedral, catch a glimpse of the new Peace Doves installation and see the new exhibition in Durham Cathedral Museum.
A huge thankyou to our lovely tour guide Jeanne who’s knowledge of the cathedral, facts and stories amazed the group. We then headed back to Prior’s Hall for tea and delicious scones (freshly baked by Christine) and enjoyed getting to know all about our new friends. Thank you to our trusty team of volunteers and everyone who helped out on the day,

Next up:
Monday 2nd September, 7pm Prior’s Hall, Durham Cathedral.
Friends Lecture Series: The Church of Blessed Mary the Virgin: Durham’s Marian Dedication by Dr Matthew Mills
Matthew is Head of Development at Durham Cathedral, lecturer, researcher and author of ‘Blessed Mary and the Monks of England’ amongst other things!
Our lecture series is open to all: Free to our members, £5 non-members.
As always we’ll be recording our talks in due course so you can watch wherever and whenever you like so you don’t miss out!